Evora Culinary - Commitment to Wellness
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Quality, Flexibility, Community, Wellness


Our Story

At Evora Culinary Solutions, we are committed to meeting your ongoing culinary needs with attention to community, quality, innovation, and flexibility.

food prep

Our Services

We are a noted Southern California company with worldwide experience and contacts throughout the culinary industry.

chef prepping food

Covid 19

As the impact of COVID-19 grows, our focus remains on the health and safety of our employees and customers while doing our part to restrict the spread of disease.

plate of fresh food

Great Plates Delivered

On April 24, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom announced the launch of a first-in-the-nation “Great Plates Delivered” program, a meal delivery service for California’s older adults.

The meal-delivery program was created in an effort to keep at-risk seniors nourished amid the challenges of COVID-19 by allowing them to stay at home and stay healthy by receiving three nutritious meals a day, seven days a week prepared by local restaurants and caterers. As a partner to this program, we’ve implemented a solution that has provided over 100k meals since the start and still delivering daily breakfast, lunch, and dinner with our safe distance and safety policies in place.

Commitment to Wellness

We consult regularly with our Nutrition Advisory Board™ in our ongoing commitment to wellness. We believe in the value of simple food prepared well. The Culinary Medicine movement is growing, and more and more doctors are incorporating food into their treatment plans for patients. Evora Culinary Group has curated a wealth of food knowledge which we incorporate into our menus of nourishing meals. These include options that are simple, bringing out the natural flavor in fresh ingredients; options that are easy to eat; and options that incorporate nutrient-dense foods that promote health and well-being. We are here to help make your commitment to wellness as palatable and pleasurable as possible.